Wednesday, January 21, 2009

How Do They Get Badger Hair

... Paris!

Dear readers,
from tomorrow we will be in Paris ... looking for new things to offer!
See you Monday ... The deer
Dear reader,
tomorrow we will be in Paris... hunting new goods to show you!!!
See you on monday...
il cervo b.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

The Week Vs The Economist

the white deer ... The lightness of

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Hair Weave Lauren London Wears

Angela Johe ...

Angela Johe


Born in Eberbach (Germany) in 1965, has dedicated his life to produce porcelain. And this passion has enabled her to become a young production manager for major companies in addition to receiving numerous awards.

write about her ...

Angela's work is to give form to objects such as porcelain Limoges porcelain refined. Each object is characterized by a very delicate taste, very elegant shapes, where, despite the difficulties of working, absolutely nothing is left to chance. The results are so extraordinary that these small items can create a special atmosphere in those who observe them and that affects the sensitivity of each ... are reserved for a precious few;

The theme of "Nature and Beauty of Life" ...

The delicacy of the work of Angela is also found in the issues he faces. And even if it is clearly impossible to reduce the work of an artist in a single theme, one of the recurring themes is the mix of nature and beauty (see photo) ...

... these are represented by the preciousness of the materials (Limoges Porcelain - The whiter than ever), the roundness of the forms (by hand) and the presence of "thorns" (pierce really!) That evoke both the beauty of a rose is the curl of a chestnut ... as if to suggest that the : "see but not touch"!

Otherwise there are the magic bowls (picture): unique, handmade, their shape evokes the delicacy of life ... in fact resemble the shell of an egg or that of an almond, but their main ... personalized with a single word (friendship, happiness, lightness, desire, madness, love, endless pleasure, etc..) hand-written by Angela, illuminated by a candle that gives a simple object a kind of heat ... give one of these bowls is a little 'how to give a message ... emotion! Seeing is believing ...

Angela Johe
The Life

Born in Eberbach (Germany) in 1965, she all of her life dedicated to porcelain production. This passion allowed her to Become a very young production director for important companies and receiving many awards.

About her …

Angela’s work deals with form and vessels of a very fine material like Limoges Porcelain. Each object is thrown very thinly, with very fine forms, very elegant, everything on purpose, nothing by coincidence, notwithstanding the material’s conditions. The results are so extraordinary that these small objects may create a special atmosphere in the observers, keeping in contact with the sensibility of each one…!

The theme of “Nature and Beautiful of Life” ...

The finesse of Angela’s work can be found also in her themes. Even if it is impossible to limit the work of a artist to a unique theme, one of the recurring argument is the mixing of Nature and Beautifulness (see photos)…

…these are represented by the precious materials employed (Limoges Porcelain), by the roundness of the forms (all hand-made) and the presence of “thorns” (they really prink!) suggesting the beautiful of a rose, or of a hedgehog… like saying: “see but do not touch”!

Otherwise the magic porcelain bowls (see photo): they are all unique pieces, hand-made, whose form recall the frailty of life… they can remember the shell of a eye, of a almond… but first of all they are personalized with a single special word, wrote from Angela, that can be lighted with a candle giving to a simple object a sort of warmth… presenting one of these bowls is like to give a message... an emotion as a gift!!! See for believing …